Sunday, October 11, 2009

Noosa September, 2009

The awesome foursome
Playing around with boats
The birthday boy

The storms a coming

Looking better


  1. It's great Kerry but the opening photo is about as big as my screen!

  2. How do you get so many photos on at once, Kerry? I use Picassa 3 and can only do 4 at a time. Paul (using Claire's computer)

  3. Kerry, it's Paul again. If you want to make links with other blogs, you'll find the method in the second last blog onour site. I think the posting is called 'making links' or something like that. Once you link to portsidetravel, you can use the existing link to The Travelling Slottes.
    See you on Friday!

  4. I just download them separately, it takes about 3 minutes for each one.

  5. Come on then, bring on some more photos and action to brighten our winter in England.

  6. Will do. We are off again next weekend so more photos will appear then
