Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bommand Command Luncheon Sunday 6 June,2010

Jocelyn and Milton

Jocelyn and Hugh


Hugh, Pat, Don,John, Milton and Jocelyn

Jocelyn and Pat

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Bomber Command Ceremony Sunday 6 June, 2010

The Bomber Command ceremony on
Sunday morning

Pat and Don Browning

Ross Browning and two children

View from War Memorial

Photo and bronze statue of Ted Hall in
War Memoral Shop

Bomber Command Weekend in Canberra 6 June 2010

Peter and Alan Stutter Pilot of Paul's plane at
Meet and Greet Saturday night at War

Ewan, Ross, Jocelyn, John and  Jane

Peter and Don Browning, the Wireless
operator on Paul's plane

G for George Lancestor

At the meet and greet